Chilliwack: City of Chilliwack has announced to implement stage 4 water restrictions from Tuesday. 

In a press release, the city said the province has instructed water licence holders to reduce their water consumption in the South Coast in light of the region reaching the maximum drought level 5 and in response, the decision in this regard has been taken.  

The City of Chilliwack said in stage 4 water restrictions, lawn watering and the use of automatic sprinkler systems are prohibited. 

Vegetable gardens, trees and shrubs may be watered using a handheld container or hose equipped with a spring-loaded shut-off device. 

According to the City of Chilliwack, since the implementation of stage 3 water restrictions, residential water consumption is down approximately 20 per cent from the peak summer water consumption, and water levels in the Sardis-Vedder Aquifer have begun to level out. 

“Continuing to reduce water consumption will ensure that groundwater levels have the opportunity to recharge for next summer, reducing the potential impact of future drought conditions on the environment,” the City said.

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