Chandigarh: A controversy erupted after a video of Harpreet Singh Pinka, who hijacked Indian Airlines flight IC405 from Srinagar airport in 1984, is going viral with Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh.

This video was posted by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee itself on its social media, but after the controversy started due to Pinka, the SGPC removed it.

The SGPC is celebrating the 100th anniversary of Panja Sahib Sake in Pakistan. Many Sikhs are currently in Panja Sahib along with Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh and SGPC President Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami. SGPC is constantly posting videos related to the Panja Sahib program on its social media account.

Meanwhile, two days back, the SGPC posted a video of Giani Harpreet Singh on its social media account. In this video, they spotted with Hijacker Pinka, a resident of Jammu.

Pinka has been hiding in Pakistan since 1984.

Pinka had hijacked an Indian Airlines flight from Sri Nagar in 1984. After this, the flight landed directly in Lahore. Since then, Pinka has been in Pakistan. The ISI is reportedly giving shelter to Pinka.

Earlier, Pinka had also courted controversy in 2019, when India opened the Kartarpur Corridor along with Pakistan.

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