Surrey: Surrey RCMP have issued warnings to people who hire escort services to be vigilant amid rising complaints of clients being drugged and robbed in the region.

Surrey police said that there have been several such reports that people hired escort service online and met at pre-arranged locations and later robbed after being drugged.

Issuing warning to residents, police said that meeting unknown people behind doors may involve risks and police have issued a list of safety tips, including:


-Be vigil and maintain continuity of all food or beverages you consume to ensure it is not spiked.

-Don’t eat anything provided to you by the other person.

-Don’t use alcohol or any drugs that can impair your ability to keep yourself safe.

-Inform a trusted person where you are so that they can contact police if you do not check in with them by a specified time.

The police also said that there may be many other victims who are reluctant to inform the police about these incidents but they encourage anyone who may have been drugged to contact their local police.

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